SprayFresh - Unscented - 7.5 ml Trial, Purse, Pocket Size


Our 7.5 ml refillable trial size is great to keep in your pocket, purse or backpack.

Wait until you smell bad really bad before you try SprayFresh for the first time, then spray the odor an away instantly. You’ll be amazed by how effective SprayFresh is at eliminating body odor instantly and at how long you stay odor free!

Use it on your underarms, feet, hands and private parts. You’ll stay odor free for 24+ hours when used on clean skin, 12-24 hours when used on unclean skin.

Ingredients: water, sodium carbonate, sodium percarbonate (hydrogen peroxide), silver colloids. 

All ingredients in Sprayfresh are rated a 1 (the safest) on the EWG skin deep database.

(Patent pending formula)

This 7.5 ml size lasts about 5-7 days if used on underarms only once a day.

Stay Fresh all day with SprayFresh!